Saturday, September 30, 2017

CMO’s & Marketers: 3 Key points to consider when using Live Video Streaming, The Hottest Content Marketing Trend in 2017

As a CMO, Marketer & Social Strategist, You will be interested to know that Video Streaming is number 1 trend in Social Marketing in the year 2017 and still to rise in the future. I believe that you are constantly interested in reaching the highest number of your audience and engaging them by maximizing the reach to promote your business/product/brand in this Hi-Tech revolution. This is why you will be interested in utilizing this social marketing tool. As a Business Consultant, specialized in Business Development, Strategies, Sales & Marketing for the past 30 years and a participant in Coursera at Northwestern University Social Marketing Program, I have come across the following two articles by Aron Agius an author at Jeff & Ted Rubin that will be of great interest to you.

The Jeff Bullas article “5 Brands That Prove Live Video Is The Future of Content Marketing” by Aron Agius mentioning that By 2019, Cisco predicts that internet traffic from videos will make up 80% of all internet traffic worldwide. Thanks to the high-speed internet on mobile applications. Live video represents an emerging trend within video marketing. On Facebook, users spend 3X more time watching live videos compared to traditional videos. Live video helps brands inject an authentic human element into their marketing, which is often missing in highly produced pre-recorded videos. After all, people want to buy from other people, not faceless corporations. People tend to be more tolerant & forgiving of mediocre video quality, which are expected when you’re getting exciting behind-the-scenes footage from your favorite brand. Hence, If you’re thinking about integrating live video in your marketing campaigns, it’s worth getting inspired from these 5 brands who are already making waves in the world of live video.

1.   Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC): Sports will always be an attraction and a big example of that will be the UFC championship. UFC fans can’t get enough and the UFC knows it well and gives them what they want. Finding out what people want and then giving it to them is the core premise behind successful businesses. The UFC is able to do this very effectively using live video.  

2.   BuzzFeed: BuzzFeed’s live videos aren’t always the most intellectually sophisticated, but the brand knows what types of videos are compelling to watch. A successful example was the exploding watermelon that got over 11 million views worldwide

3.   Dunkin’ Donuts: A successful example of that will be the live tour of its facilities, showing how the production of their famous Donuts, while interviewing the staff. One of which was the one with the donut expert who has been working for them for over 41 years which conveyed that Dunkin’ Donuts is a company that values its employees, which makes it appear more trustworthy to consumers.

4.   Space X: Live video is a great tool for breaking industry news and showcasing new technologies. Space X manages to accomplish both using live webcasts of rockets being launched into space. Live video can be used to provide in-depth product demonstrations where you can answer questions in real-time to alleviate purchasing fears and build trust.

5.   Chevrolet: In order to create a buying frenzy for the launch of the all-electric 2017 Bolt EV, Chevrolet used Facebook Live to stream a video from the consumer electronics tradeshow, CES 2016. By providing context around this emerging technology, it demonstrates that electric cars are valid and necessary for the future. 

Source: Adweek  … It's not too early to start thinking about 2018  

Similarly, Ted Rubin in his article “BIGGEST CONTENT MARKETING TREND HEADING INTO 2017: LIVE STREAMING” says: [What I see being huge heading into 2017 is live streaming, and the ability to share all video, AND “all content,” in so many more ways, via more apps, with story-telling and engagement at the core]. If you’ve been following the trends, the popularity of video content will come as no surprise. Live streaming and story platforms lead social media trends. YouTube has been a titan for more than 10 years now, and counts nearly one-third of all active internet users in the world as YouTube users. The greatness of this tool is that it is making it LIVE and allowing to engage with those streams and becoming part of the conversation in an interactive way. You can use it to share events either personal or corporate, giving it an extra appeal while allowing you to engage with your audience in new interesting, light and amusing ways. It can also be used in employee training that are in different locations and still has the interactive communication that exists in a classroom/training rooms. The audience is connected by the event itself.  The live event, whether it’s a concert, a rally, an expo, a product launch or a news conference, is the one commonality that the entire audience shares and can talk about. So, start planning to join the rush of Live streaming and get close & personal with your customers by joining the leading platforms.

Upon my review of both publications and based on my work experience, together with my recent participation in the Social Media Marketing Program of Northwestern University through Coursera, I summed up the following 3 key points of high relevance for using Live Streaming Video in your marketing strategy:

  • Live Streaming Video Generates A Bigger Audience – Any event has geographical and physical restrictions no matter where it is. Streaming events and content live on the web makes it accessible to a worldwide audience. This means attendance to your content can surpass any capacity limitations a physical event would have.
  • Live Streaming Video Can Boost Up Online Interaction - Live streams are a great way of boosting interaction between you and your potential clients. If your content is interesting to individuals in your niche or just a curious topic to outsiders you will be given the opportunity to engage with prospective clients who previously may not have thought about contacting you.
  • Longer Viewing Sessions - Think of live streaming as long-form content that’s highly engaging and has the potential to capture attention for hours instead of seconds or minutes.

Fellow Marketers…the signs don’t get any more obvious than this!!! If social media platforms are in a full-on sprint to take ownership of a trend — there’s a good chance that this trend is here to stay and the future is highly promising. It is the best way to reach younger millennials and generation Z. If you could take this innovative use of Internet video and steer it towards your organizations marketing aims then you could really start to set yourself apart from competition. Be authentic, creative & Innovative in connecting with your audience.

Wissam E. Abboud (Twitter  & LinkedIn) - a Business Consultant, specialized in Management, Business Development, Acquisitions, Strategies, Sales & Marketing, also participating in the Social Media Marketing Program of Northwestern University through Coursera


Me: Wissam E. Abboud, Coursera, Northwestern University, Business Consultant, Management, Business Development, Acquisitions, Strategies, Sales, Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Article: Jeff Bullas, Aron Agius, Ted Rubin, Live Streaming Video, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Big Data, IOT, AI, BI, Big Data Analytics, Social Media Trends, Mobile Applications, Mobile Streaming, Marketing, Technology, Influencer, Sales, SMM,

Topics and Industry: Sports, Events, Training, Education, Healthcare, Sales, Marketing, Automobiles, Industry, Food industry, Politics, Big Data, Music, Government, Small Business, Corporations, Cosmetics & Perfumes, Live Streaming Agencies, Entertainment, Aviation,

Target Market: CMO, Marketers, Marketing Management,    

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CMO’s & Marketers: 3 Key points to consider when using Live Video Streaming, The Hottest Content Marketing Trend in 2017

As a CMO, Marketer & Social Strategist, You will be interested to know that Video Streaming is number 1 trend in Social Marketing in...